Managing Mutli Day Event Capacity

Managing Multi-Day Event Capacity

Managing capacity for multi-day events is crucial to ensure a smooth experience for both attendees and organizers. In this guide, we'll explore how to effectively set up and manage capacity for multi-day events using Hi.Events.


Hi.Events allows you to set an available quantity for each ticket. However, this can be limiting for multi-day events where capacity needs to be managed across multiple days. To address this, you can use Capacity Assignments to manage the total capacity for each day of your event.

Creating a Multi-Day Event

The best approach to manage capacity for multi-day events is to create separate tickets for each day, allowing attendees to choose the specific days they wish to attend.

In the example below, we have three types of tickets:

  • Friday Ticket
  • Saturday Ticket
  • All Weekend Ticket

In situations like this, you need a way to manage the capacity for each day. Some tickets contribute to the capacity of multiple days. For instance:

  • The Friday Ticket and the All Weekend Ticket both contribute to Friday's capacity.
  • The Saturday Ticket and the All Weekend Ticket both contribute to Saturday's capacity.
Multi-day event tickets

Using Capacity Assignments

To solve this problem, Hi.Events offers a feature called Capacity Assignments. Capacity Assignments allow you to manage the capacity across multiple tickets seamlessly.

Example Scenario

Suppose we have a maximum capacity of 100 attendees for each day. We can create a capacity assignment for each day and associate that capacity with the corresponding tickets:

  • Friday Capacity Assignment: Linked to the Friday Ticket and the All Weekend Ticket.
  • Saturday Capacity Assignment: Linked to the Saturday Ticket and the All Weekend Ticket.

This way, once the capacity for Friday reaches 100, all tickets associated with the Friday Capacity Assignment will automatically appear as sold out.

Create capacity assignment

Setting Up Capacity Assignments

Here’s an example of how the capacity assignments would look for the tickets mentioned above:

Capacity assignments

With these assignments in place, you can effectively manage the capacity for each day of your multi-day event, ensuring a smooth experience for all attendees.

By following this guide, you can ensure that your multi-day event runs smoothly, with the appropriate number of attendees each day, while avoiding overselling tickets.