Event Setup and Management
Creating a Product or Ticket

Creating Products and Ticket Tiers

Hi.Events offers flexible product creation options, allowing you to sell both tickets and general merchandise. You can create tiered pricing structures, handle donations, and manage various purchase options for your event.

Getting Started

1. Begin product creation

Click "Add Product to Category" from your event products page.

Event dashboard showing Add Product to Category button
Start by clicking Add Product to Category

2. Choose product category

Open the "Product Type" dropdown menu.

Product creation form showing Product Type dropdown
Access the Product Type selection menu

3. Select product type

Choose between "Ticket" or "General" item types.

Product type selection showing Ticket and General options
Tickets issue entry passes, while General items are for merchandise or donations

Setting Up Pricing

4. Choose pricing structure

Access the pricing type dropdown.

Pricing type dropdown menu
Select your preferred pricing structure

5. Select pricing type

Choose from four options: Paid, Free, Donation, or Tiered.

Pricing type options showing Paid, Free, Donation, and Tiered choices
Tiered pricing is perfect for early bird discounts and special rates

Pricing Types Explained

  • Paid: Fixed price tickets
  • Free: No-cost tickets
  • Donation: Let attendees choose their price
  • Tiered: Multiple price levels (e.g., Early Bird, Regular, VIP)

Creating Tiered Pricing

6. Name your product

Give your product a clear, descriptive name.

Product name input field
Enter a name that clearly describes your ticket or product

7. Set up tiers

Begin creating your pricing tiers.

Tier creation interface
Create multiple price tiers for your product

8. Name first tier

Start with your first tier, like "Early Bird".

First tier naming field showing Early Bird example
Name your first pricing tier

9. Add more tiers

Click "Add tier" to create additional pricing levels.

Add tier button highlighted
Add as many tiers as needed

10. Complete tier setup

Add all necessary pricing tiers.

Multiple tiers added to product
Create a complete pricing structure

Advanced Options

11. Access additional settings

Click "Show Additional Options" for more features.

Show Additional Options button highlighted
Access advanced product settings

12. Configure advanced settings

Set taxes, fees, and purchase limits.

Advanced options interface showing tax, fee, and limit settings
Configure taxes, fees, and purchase restrictions

13. Finalize product

Click "Create Product" to complete setup.

Create Product button highlighted
Save your product configuration

14. Make future changes

Use the dropdown menu to edit your product later.

Product dropdown menu showing Edit Product option
Access product settings anytime through the dropdown menu

Pricing Strategy Tips

  • Use early bird tiers to encourage early registration
  • Create VIP tiers with special perks
  • Set appropriate purchase limits for exclusive tiers
  • Consider using donation-based pricing for fundraising events
  • Add fees and taxes separately for transparency

Next Steps

After creating your products:

  • Preview how they appear on your event page
  • Set up promotional codes for special discounts
  • Configure inventory limits if needed
  • Test the purchase process